Wonderland Singers
local, in-person choir
Owen Sound, ON

To register:
Click the "add to cart" button below and follow it through to check out. You will receive a purchase confirmation email, and then closer to the start date, an email with a bit more info.

Please note: This page is for Coco's local, in-person choir in Owen Sound, ON. The Wonderland Singers online Zoom choir is currently on hiatus. 


Come sing with Coco Love Alcorn and the Wonderland Singers in Owen Sound. :)

        WHAT: This is a non-auditioned, local, in-person community choir. The group will be singing a mix of Coco's songs, cover songs, and music of the moment; focusing on folk, soul, and spirit lifting music. Songs will be taught by ear.

       WHO: Anyone who loves to sing is invited to take part. This group is mostly intended for adults. However, mature tweens or teens are also welcome. 

       WHEN: Monday nights, 7 - 8:30PM (gather 6:45, singing starts at 7PM)   
       Sept 30 - Dec 16 (12 sessions total)

----- About once a month there will be a social after singing, with snacks and chit chat time. 

----- + a concert on Saturday, Dec 14! ----- (double bill concert with Coco and the Wonderland Singers. This will be low pressure and fun.)

       WHERE: The Harmony Centre - 890 4th Ave E - Owen Sound, Ontario. (come in around the corner through the (9th St entrance)

       HOW: Advance registration required. The cost is $160 for the 12 sessions. 

To register, look for the button on this page that says "add to cart"... either above or to the left, depending on which kind of device you're on.  

After making the purchase, you will receive a confirmation email, and then closer to the start date, an email with a bit more info. 

Ok, see you on Sept 30... woot!

: )   


PS: Feel free to send a note if you have any questions: cocolovealcorn@gmail.com  

PPS: If paying by etransfer works better for you, please send transfer to: 

security answer: wonderlandsingers 

Then please send me an email letting me know you're joining the local choir. This will also ensure that I have your contact info. :)