Spring 24 zoom learning files

Wonderland Singers

Here are the individual part audio learning files. As you scroll down you will find the “high”, “middle” and “low” parts for most of the core songs.

Reminder: this is a Zoom choir and everyone is muted in these sessions. So it's entirely up to you if you want to learn these parts at all! Haha. You are more than welcome to sing freely in the

Here are the individual part audio learning files. As you scroll down you will find the “high”, “middle” and “low” parts for most of the core songs.

Reminder: this is a Zoom choir and everyone is muted in these sessions. So it's entirely up to you if you want to learn these parts at all! Haha. You are more than welcome to sing freely in the sessions and catch what you catch, make up your own parts, improvise... anything you like. But it you are interested, these are some fantastic tools for earning the parts I've written for these songs, and working on ear training in general.

These tracks will all have the featured part boosted in volume (and usually panned to the middle), and all other parts mixed vey low in volume. Example: if you listen to the “high” part of a song, you will hear the verse melody very quietly (just a reference). When the high part comes in you will hear it quite loudly and the low and middle parts will be very soft.

When you are learning your part you can focus in on whatever is most helpful to you. For some is may be a part of the rhythm that’s tripping you up. Some might want to replay the entry note multiple times, to help that feel more natural. Sometimes getting the first note of your part and feeling confident with when and how to “come in” is the most challenging. For me, sometimes one note of a part feels counter intuitive, and I have to sing it a few times to make it feel more natural.

As you are working on the part you want to learn… listen, sing along, for a really tricky part perhaps even make some notes... then try going back to the full mixes and singing that part you’ve just learned. All the full mix tracks have the lower harmony part panned to the left and the higher harmony part panned to the right. If it's the low part you've just learned, you can start by sending your focus to the left side of the mix to hear that part more clearly... if it's the high part... you can send your focus to the right side to hear that part more clearly.

Advanced ear training trick to try: when you start to feel more confident with a part you’ve been working on (here in the individual part files), you can try challenging yourself by listening to the full mix of that song and sending your focus to the opposite ear! This is really good ear training, to be singing the high part (for example) while really listening to what the low and middle parts are doing.

Another advanced ear training approach you can do with these files is try singing a part you’ve just learned along with a different individual part file. For example, if you are feeling especially confident with the low part, try singing it with the audio file for the high part!

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